Megan Kaufman


BBMS and SECA Music is a program suited for the young learning mind. At the elementary and pre-school age, music is a form of expression that allows the child's creative mind explore new horizons. It allows them to find a new skill, whether they are proficient in it or not, they will learn new sounds, instruments, music theory and music history. We work in stations: "Musical Instruments", "Singing and Rhythm", "Music Writing", and "Books about music". Each station has its own unique way of reaching the child's creative mind, while learning important facts and skills for their bright future. Music stimulates and encourages focused learning as well as creative learning. Skills you will see your child start to exude are; ambidextrous movement and learning (working all areas of the brain to enhance movement), memorization, tonal acknowledgement, (pitch and sound recognition), better mathematical skills, improvement in reading and comprehension skills, sharper concentration, stress relief, social skills, better listening skills, has a sense of achievement, and discipline. 

Overall, your child will be able to have fun while expressing themselves in a fun, safe and educational way. 

For more information of the Friese Studio, visit their website here.